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Showing posts from February, 2009
Face Book offers more power to control users By Darren Waters Technology editor, BBC News website The changes were unveiled by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg Facebook has responded to criticism over the way it handles user data by handing over control to its users. Members of the social network will have comment and voting rights over the firm's future policies regarding how the site is governed. Founder Mark Zuckerberg said the aim was to "open up Facebook so that users can participate meaningfully in our policies and our future". Privacy International's Simon Davies said the move was "unprecedented". "No other company has made such a bold move towards transparency and democratisation," he said. "The devil will be in the detail but, overall, we applaud these positive steps and think they foreshadow the future of web 2.0." Mr Zuckerberg admitted that the recent changes to the website's terms and conditions ...
Mobile O/S war My space and 12 more companies joined the Symbain camp on Thursday, giving the mobile operating system larger scale than Google's Android in the battleGround. Other link related to this topic: Browsing on Android isn't as dangerous as some may beileve YouTube introduces paid and free downloads Xilisoft Video to Audio Converter (Demo) Best Free Computer Chess and Go Programs Share the iGoogle love Happy trails with My Tracks for Android-powered phones Nokia May Add Facebook Features to Mobile Phones Play The Colour Of Money online Google pulling plug on radio advertising service (AP)
Half of Europe's teenagers browse the web with no parental oversight or supervision, a survey suggests. The research into the web habits of 20,000 14 to 19-year-olds across Europe found that 51% enjoy unfettered access to any and every website. Continue reading here Google Brings Sync To the iPhone and Windows Mobile
Don't worry about Deleted files You can recover deleted files with data recovery softwares Top data Recovery softwares available hereat these sites: this offers data recovery softwares for free and stellrinfo released the software for all platforms.
Add Google News updates to your Web site The world is a quickly changing place and it's getting harder and harder to stay on top of the news. With this in mind, we've just released a Google News–based element for webmasters and developers. This makes it easy to integrate headlines and previews from Google News into any webpage, and for newspapers to reach new audiences across the web. Whether your visitors are interested in  business ,  entertainment  or  fashion , you control the types of stories in your personal news show. You can input keywords like " Obama  " or " Superbowl " or broad topics like "world news" or "politics."  For more information, check out our  post  on the AJAX Search API Blog or get started with our wizard  to automatically generate the code for you. You can see your friend native place with Google Latitude How often do you find yourself wondering where your friends are and what they're up to? It's a pretty ...