Get 55 Free Desktop Wallpapers (with and without calendars) created by designers and artists worldwide. The list is the last in a year long monthly series submitted by artists and designers from all over the world. It features many Christmas themes but there are some gorgeous abstract designs as well.
what is your comment on this issue.
Rules that try to ensure consumers get better information when buying broadband come into force on 5 December.
Anybody still using the Firefox 2 browser will receive messages from Mozilla in the next few days asking them to upgrade to Firefox 3.
Visual Explorer, a new web-browsing program, is now available to download for free.
Android-based devices can now be discussed in the plural. Kogan Technologies has announced its Agora and Agora Pro mobile phones with the open-source mobile operating system will be available in Australia next month.
A plan by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin to provide a free national Internet network, up for a vote by the agency later this month, has turned into two versions, according to news reports.
One would require the company that won the auction for the offered frequencies to make at least 25 percent of the spectrum available for free to most of the country. The newer version would give free, unlicensed access to some of that spectrum to innovators, if the acquiring company doesn't fulfill its promise of a free national network.
Google Friend Connect: now available
We're pleased to share that Google Friend Connect is now available in beta to any webmaster looking to add a "dash of social" to his or her site. This service lets webmasters add social features to their sites by simply copying and pasting a few snippets of code — no advanced coding or technical background required.