Google acquired Online photo editor Picnik. Picnik is the first ever online photo editor with which you can edit your photos within your browser instead of other thirdparty softwares for croping ,resizing, special effects, designs and to add some cool effects to your collection of photos. You can more advanced options with a premium account in Picnik.
After this acquisition Google photo team announces the following words
After this acquisition Google photo team announces the following words
with this acquisition with Picnik, Picasaweb may come up with more options to edit our images right from Picasa web albums."We're not announcing any significant changes to Picnik today, though we'll be working hard on integration and new features. As well, we'd like to continue supporting all existing Picnik partners so that users will continue to be able to add their photos from other photo sharing sites, make edits in the cloud and then save and share to all relevant networks.
We're very impressed with the Picnik team and the product they've created, and we're excited to welcome them to Google. We're looking forward to collaborating closely with them to improve the online photo editing experience on the web. In the meantime, we encourage you to head to Picnik, import some of your photos from Picasa Web Albums, Flickr or Facebook and try your hand at photo editing in the cloud! "
Currently Picnik allows you to edit your photos which are in Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket, Facebook, Myspace, Webshots, Webs.