Google Instant is a new search enhancement that shows results as we are typing in the search box. We can get results more faster than previous. You need not to type the full search term. Just start typing and results appear right before you. You can also get predictions for your search.
The top prediction is shown in grey text directly in the search box so you need to complete your search.
The top prediction is shown in grey text directly in the search box so you need to complete your search.
- But right now Google instant is available on Google domains in UK, US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia who use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari for Mac browsers.
- Users on domain other than can access Instant only when they signed in to Google Account.
- In coming months it will be rolled out to remaining world.
- Currently Instant search is not available for mobile devices.
- If you don't want to see instant results you can disable Instant. to do that go to preferences page. Select ' Do not use Google Instant.' from the list of Global Preferences and click on save preferences.
Did you know:
- Before Google Instant, the typical searcher took more than 9 seconds to enter a search term, and we saw many examples of searches that took 30-90 seconds to type.
- Using Google Instant can save 2-5 seconds per search.
- If everyone uses Google Instant globally, we estimate this will save more than 3.5 billion seconds a day. That’s 11 hours saved every second.
- 15 new technologies contribute to Google Instant functionality.