Twitter released a new version of twitter search, with this you will get relevant photos and videos along with tweets when you search for something or when you clicks on a trending topics. And the top images and top videos will be shown at the right side bar. The availability of a pic/video will be shown at the top right corner of the tweets in the search results.
In one of its blog post twitter mentioned that - In coming days they will roll out new features to upload and attach your pictures with your tweets. You can also do this from your official mobile apps.
And they are working with mobile carriers around the world for users without smart-phones to send photos via text messages (MMS).
And if you use this new version of Firefox with Twitter, you can type a #hashtag or @username directly into the address bar to go right to a search results page (try #idol) or someone's profile page (like @nba). Simple.
In one of its blog post twitter mentioned that - In coming days they will roll out new features to upload and attach your pictures with your tweets. You can also do this from your official mobile apps.
And they are working with mobile carriers around the world for users without smart-phones to send photos via text messages (MMS).