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Showing posts from June, 2009

Find out the Slow Things in your WebPage

You designed a web page succesfully, it was superb in it's way, but it took so much time to load or to opened up. To find out why it took time to open. the solution is simple, just observe which part of the page is loading slow, to find out that just visit stop watch it will help you identify which items are taking the longest to load. It will record the time it takes for everything on your page to load, including images, videos, Side bar widgets, etc. find out which will took longest time to load and modify it.

Net PC from Airtel for fast computing

Airtel Introduces new divice Net PC which is like a PC but perfoming limited tasks like documentation, browsing, e-mailing. Net PC come with inbuilt Microsoft XP and the device costs 5000 INR. the documentaion and browsing should be done using MS Office and IE now option for other softwares to install. Net PC( weight of 5oo gms, 11.5cm x 11.5cm x 3.5cm ) is a small device, we must have a airtel broad connection and a monitor to work with it. It has a usb Port to link with usb modem or to the broadband Eathernet card.
Youtube offers video downloading Youtube offers video downloading to video publishers only not for all viewers. The videos will download in mp4 formate only.
Restore Unavailable or deleted websites : provides simple perl script which will restore all the removed web pages. perl script uses the google's, web and other web caches to retrive the required web pages. If you want to restore any then you can go here for the guided instroctions from warric to find it out. And here is the example to restore the web page or a web project
Google introduces translator toolkit for online translation. This translator toolkit is usefull to edit the content manually. Google previous product Google translate is used to translate web pages to other languages But this new translator toolkit targets users who want to edit and polish the translated text, and share or publish it, said Prasad Ram, center head and engineering director at Google India R&D, on Tuesday.
Watch Videos with out Flash player and Quick time Player  we need flash player or quick time player to watch videos in web sites, in this case we need to download the plugins to play the stuff, but here is the new way to play them with out any plugins  Source is here  to know more about this article.
Update Your Chrome to surf best Google gives you the latest updates via Internet with out the new version, so you can update the current version rather than downloading the latest version. The guided link for updation is here More Chrome User's: Google debuts Chrome for Mac, Linux Google's Mac Chrome whips Safari, Firefox in JavaScript speed trials A latest search box from google will give the IT Profesionals more information with one click